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Can I convert VHS to 1080p HD?


Updated: Dec 15, 2021

So you found an old family video and managed to hook up your camcorder to the flat screen using the RCA cables, only to find that the picture looks...well...not great. Wouldn't it be nice to convert all those VHS tapes to 1080p and get a sharp high definition image of your fondest memories? Is that even possible?

The answer is yes...and no. Let me explain...

Yes, there is software that allows you to "upgrade" your standard definition VHS video footage to 1080p.

No, your VHS video footage will not look any better than it currently does.

There are many reasons for this. First off, video tapes inevitably deteriorate over time, so they've already lost some image and sound quality in the last 10-15 years. This is due to the magnetic recording strip inside the cassette, which is thin and fragile material.

Secondly, your standard VHS home video was recorded at 360p. That's only a third of the quality of 1080p HD nowadays. So if you can imagine blowing up an image three times larger than it was intended to, you're going to see a lot of pixels and blurry lines.

Essentially, "upgrading" your videos will not improve detail in picture.

Finally, I highly recommend not waiting any longer to get your videos transferred. As mentioned, your tapes have already lost a fair amount of quality sitting around all these years, so preserve them while you can!



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